
Alan Mead's New Home Page

My favorite links
My professional vita
CV prepared for SIOP 2004
Many of my unpublished papers

Home Page
Psychometric links
Psychometric software
Item writing
Writing academic exams
a cool CAT demo/tutorial

Mash temp charts
Brewing links
Alan's Brewing Log

LEAF notes
Web programming
Linux administration
Linux packages
Linux training
Linux security
Linux networking
Computing/Linux news
Any other suggestions?

Copyright © 1998-2008 by Alan D. Mead
These pages were slightly updated on June 19, 2008.

Comments, complaints,

BJCP info: ID=C0307, rank=Certified

LPIC-1 info: ID=LPI000001004,
certification code=jauh77w62j

GPG/PGP public key information:
Key fingerprint:6778 281E 1425 7A59 9A16
D6E7 6ABB 2B94 6DCD 481E
Link to public key



Absolutely no updates! That's right! I haven't made any real updates to this site in years. I am still around and this account still hosts my primary email address. .
Linux update! I became a certified Linux sysadmin in 2004! My certification is through the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) with whom I have worked in the past. (The exam content had been updated since I worked with them). While I was working with LPI, I actually picked up the Linux+ certification, so this is technically my second Linux certification but the Linux+ certification is really low-level compared to the LPIC-1.
New website! Obviously you have found my new website. I'm pretty excited, this site is inexpensive but it affords a lot of freedom to host cool stuff. I'm woring on that...
It's been almost exactly two years since I updated this site. I cannot say I'll be updating it very often but perhaps more often than once every other year., I bought my first domain and am working on the site now. It will feature on-line self-testing and feedback. I also hope to add some developmental content and some tutorials on topics that I know a bit about. When it's up, you can click here to visit.
I AM DONE! On Sunday May 14, 2000 I was hooded by my advisor, Fritz Drasgow.
Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is a nonprofit group dedicated to creating a high-quality certification program for Linux system administrators. I have helped them with several small projects and I am very impressed by the quality of their program. You can visit them here.
Psychology - I finished my PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. If I had to list two passions, professionally, I really like psychological assessment (esp. the methodological aspect) and explaining technical issues to non-technical people (ask my about my HRIC idea).
Psychometrics - I've been working on a non-verbal intelligence which will be adaptively administered over the Internet and other Internet administration and reporting ideas. If you would like to be a test taker (or better yet, have need to test a large group over the Internet) please let me know. I am also starting a small archive of no-cost psychometric software. The adaptive testing links are also available on my psychometrics page.
Programming - I've been a hacker ever since I taught myself BASIC on the high school mainframe in the early 80's. Now I'm polluting the web and learning to administer Linux!
Brewing - one of my life goals is to place in the AHA nationals.

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