Professional Vita for
Alan David Mead, Ph.D.


Representative Experiences
Professional Experience
Research Interests
Training Experience
Academic and Trade Articles
Book Chapters
Conference and Meeting Presentations
Technical Reports and Professional Papers
Psychological measures
Popular press publications
Reviewing Experience
Teaching Interests
Professional Society Memberships
Software Expertise
Software Projects

Education (top)

Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May, 2000

Major: Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Minor: Social Psychology and Quantitative Psychology (split minor)

Thesis: Properties of a Resampling Validation Technique for Empirically Scored Psychological Assessments (Chair: Fritz Drasgow)

M.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 1992

Major: Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Thesis: Effects of administration medium: A meta-analysis (Chair: Fritz Drasgow)

B.A. in Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 1988

Representative Experiences (top)

This section describes an actual experience or project or an amalgam of multiple, similar projects as a short-hand to describe my experience concisely but in some detail. Specific data about employment history is in the next section.

Computerized testing: Specified and developed a computerized test of novel (decision-making skill) or traditional (verbal knowledge) content using an appropriate cutting-edge technology (interactive multimedia, adaptive item selection, Internet, etc.). Worked with a content expert to refine the test content and debug the software. Also, completed similar projects supervising the programming team. Assisted client to choose between adaptive and conventional item administration by explaining advantages and requirements of adaptive testing and through an evaluation of vendor's adaptive testing algorithms.

Psychometric expert: Consulted with a client about psychometric issues in the construction of speeded and power ability tests (calibration sample sizes, IRT models, graphical image display). Conducted IRT dimensionality analysis, selected an IRT model, estimated IRT model parameters, conducted IRT- and CTT-based DIF analysis, selected final items for parallel by matching information curves of unbiased items.

Selection: Conducted job analysis to determine key elements of effective performance. Developed test and structured interview assessments of these key elements. Designed and conducted the content and criterion-related validity analyses. Wrote final documentation.

Organizational development: Led development of a developmental performance evaluation process to meet an organizational goal of improving morale and productivity. Conducted research on important job elements, developed rating form, proposed and refined developmental process. Used the process in the development of staff.

Market surveying: Proposed and developed an Internet-based survey to address operational questions for a testing organization developing a new product. Wrote survey, designed Perl CGI administration script, publicized the survey with articles in on-line publications, conducted analyses, wrote and published final report.

Organizational surveying: Briefly involved in the proposal and development of a organization-wide survey of "best practices" for unit managers. Performed all analyses and co-authored the final presentation presented to the senior management team and all managers (about 2000 from across the US).

Job analysis: Conducted job analysis using site visits, interviews with job experts, review of job materials, and led groups completing custom-developed job analysis rating forms (KSAOs as well as tasks). Analyzed data, wrote brief report recommending selection tests.

Product development: Developed a personality-based job analysis questionnaire in consultation with expert personality theorists to match a detailed, big-five model of personality. Gathered data, including web-based data, and devised a scoring scheme.

Validation: Conducted a validation study, including consultation on implementation of the final selection system: developed a sampling plan, conducted a job analysis, developed job-analysis-based performance measures, collected performance and test data from incumbents, conducted validation analyses (simple statistics, demographics statistics, performance rating policy capturing, analysis of the criterion space, development of consistent performance dimensions, test reliability and validity (correlation with various criteria), battery and cut-score proposals (based on maximization of predictive validity and fairness as defined by EEOC statistics), and documentation.

Professional Experience (top)

March 2002 - Present, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Psychometrician. Responsible for planning and executing psychometric analyses in support of computerization of the Uniform CPA Exam, especially the calibration of IRT item models. Assist developers in specifying software for administering, scoring, and reporting results. Responsible for design, implementation, and maintenance of pretest analysis and scoring. Built automated pretest database and reporting system to automate report creation. Assisted with other psychometric tasks and planning and forecasting.

December 2000 - January 2002, Aon Management Consulting

Senior Manager. Responsible for client project management and execution. Assist with product development. Specific activities: managed and executed projects to analyze legal risk in selection, down-sizing, and glass-ceiling contexts; contributed to Aon products and client projects as a «thought leader» for computerized and web-based testing; contributed to a knowledge management project, primarily by managing the IT issues.

February 1999 - April 2002, Linux Professional Institute

(a largely non-compensated professional activity)

Chief psychometrician. The Linux Professional Institute (LPI; is a not-for-profit organization incorporated to develop and manage a "best in class" certification program for Linux. Until 2000, I advised LPI about practical, psychometric, professional, and budgetary matters. I assumed psychometric and exam development duties after the untimely death of the exam director. I am particularly excited about this project which affords me the opportunity to do my part to enrich the user-supported Linux community. Specific activities: assisted in the design of the job analysis and survey software; conducted the actual analyses of the job survey data; developed a marketing survey including the web-based administration; drafted item writing guidelines; recomputed the Level 1 (L1) norms and rescaled one form; published revised English and Japanese exams with VUE; revised the item writing guidelines based on analysis of the L1 data; designed and conducted the L2 job analysis; advised L2 item writers; designed and executed beta testing program, including publication of a combined L2 beta exam; analyzed beta data; implemented examinee interface to review beta results; published final English and Japanese exams with VUE. Used Apache, Perl, Pascal, SPSS.

May 1996 - December 2000, Institute for Personality and Ability Testing

Research scientist. Responsible for original research and development, including product development (generating product ideas; proposing, designing, and conducting research; writing documentation). Acquired or strengthened knowledge and skills in these areas: IRT (personality models, polytomous models, MIRT), covariance structure modeling; psychological assessment; coaching and counseling; personality theory and practice; test construction; computerized and networked test administration, scoring, and reporting; managing non-reporting teammates. Used Pascal, SAS, SPSS, BILOG, LISREL.

Programming manager. Manage a small team of programmer analysts responsible for product development, technical service, and routine IS maintenance. Created processes for quality assurance testing, software design, P/A selection. Actively involved in investigating new technologies and other innovations. Developed web-based administration, scoring, and reporting service. Used Pascal, Perl, Apache (Apach+mod_ssl), Linux, Samba.

May 1996 - July 1998, Model-Based Measurement Laboratory & ADAMS

Laboratory member

(a non-compensated professional activity)

Participated in laboratory activities aimed at developing a non-parametric multidimensional IRT model for personality data. Applied advanced psychometric models to traditional and novel datasets; conducted comparisons of laboratory's psychometric methods to competing psychometric technologies. Used FORTRAN and Pascal.

May 1993 - May 1996, HRStrategies/Aon Human Resources Consulting Group

Senior Consultant. Provided expert advice to industry leaders, governmental agencies, and other I/O consultants about cutting-edge assessment technologies (IRT, IRT DIF, computerized assessment, computer adaptive testing, psychometric meta-analysis). Designed and conducted applied research to support client initiatives. Also performed more traditional consulting activities: conducted focus groups, constructed scales, performed job analyses, best-practices surveys, performed criterion- and content-validation analyses. Managed support staff on projects, conducted screening interviews, participated in process improvement committees. Used SPSS, BILOG, TESTFACT, Pascal, and other non-commercial psychometric software.

February 1992 - December 1992, Independent Consulting

Consultant. Developed psychometrics (assessed dimensionality, calibrated items, coded adaptive algorithm, conducted simulations, drafted final report, wrote supplementary item sets) for an adaptive assessment of programmer potential under the supervision of Prof. Fritz Drasgow. Guided client programmers in the development of the delivery software. Used Pascal, BILOG, SAS.

September 1988 - May 1993, University of Illinois

Teaching Assistant. Taught two laboratory sections of "Research Methods in Social Psychology: Field Settings" under the supervision of Prof. Fritz Drasgow and Dr. Gila Budescu. Prepared lectures, exercises, evaluations, and laboratory materials (including detailed SAS and OpenWindows exercise tutorials); advised advanced undergraduates in execution of original research.

Research Assistant to Prof. Fritz Drasgow. Through the course of several projects, wrote FORTRAN and Pascal code to conduct Monte-Carlo simulations, deliver videodisc-based multi-media assessment, computerized in-basket assessment, and a flexible adaptive testing engine. Research focused on computerized assessment, polytomous IRT models, and appropriateness measurement.

Research Assistant to Prof. Peter Carnevale. Gathered and analyzed data using SAS and Pascal programs; participated in the design, implementation and presentation of original social conflict research. Supervised three undergraduate research assistants.

September 1987 - May 1988, University of Illinois

Undergraduate Research Assistant to Prof. Elke Weber. Analyzed data using SAS and FORTRAN programs on IBM mainframe. Participated in original decision-making research.

Professional education

Employee retention. (April, 2000). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Individual assessment. (April, 2000). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Test equating. (May, 1999). International Conference on Test Adaptation.

Leveraging technology in test adaptations. (May, 1999). International Conference on Test Adaptation.

How to start your own I/O consulting practice. (April, 1999). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Demystifying executive coaching. (April, 1999). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Legal issues in human resource management. (April, 1998). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Implementing multi-rater feedback systems. (April, 1998). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

How to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines. (March, 1998). Fred Pryor Seminars.

How to supervise. (February, 1997). Fred Pryor Seminars.

How to use the Franklin Planner. (July, 1996). Covey institute.

Research Interests (top)

Individual differences in ability, personality, values, and motivation in the areas of work performance, decision-making, and conflict management

Enhancing organizational effectiveness through practical human resource management

Performance of technologically-linked, geographically dispersed work groups

Model-based psychological assessments

Research and assessment methodology

Cognitive process models

Personality-oriented models of behavior

Certifications (top)


Certified LEADer Assessor

Training Experience (top)

Mead, A. D., McKnight, P. E. & Zhang, O. Y. (April, 2003). Open source software for IRT analysis: An introduction to the use of IRT Command Language and Related Software (Training presentation). National Council for Measurement in Education, Chicago, Illinois.

Mead, A. D., Russell, M. T., & Bedwell, S. E. (August, 1999). The LEADR and CAQ. (Product presentation). Pre-APA Division 39 CEU Training Day. Boston Police Headquarters, Boston, MA.

Mead, A. D. (August, 1999). An introduction to Internet testing. IPAT Internal Training Seminar, Savoy, IL.

Mead, A. D. (March, 1998). Test development and validity. IPAT Internal Training Seminar, Savoy, IL.

Mead, A. D. (January, 1993). Reliability, validity, and small-N settings. Greater Illinois Chapter of the International Personnel Management Association, Decatur, IL.

Academic and Trade Journals (top)

Ellis, B. B. & Mead, A. D., (2000). Assessment of the measurement equivalence of a Spanish translation of the 16PF questionnaire. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 60(5), 787-807.

Olson-Buchanan, J. B., Drasgow, F., Moberg, P. J., Mead, A. D., Keenan, P. A., & Donovan, M. A. (1998). Interactive video assessment of conflict resolution skills. Personnel Psychology, 51, 1-24.

Mead, A. D. (1997). Assessment in an organizational context. Ohio Psychologist, 44(2),34-37.

Erwin, F., W. , & Mead, A. D. (1997). The Law Enforcement Candidate Record (LECR). Security Journal, 8, 113-116

Drasgow, F., Levine, M., V., Tsien, S., Williams, B., & Mead, A. D. (1995). Fitting polychotomous item response theory models to multiple-choice tests. Applied Psychological Measurement, 19, 143-165

Maydeu-Olivares, A., Drasgow, F. & Mead, A. (1994). Distinguishing among parametric item response models for polychotomous ordered data. Applied Psychological Measurement, 18, 245-256.

Mead, A. D., & Drasgow, F. (1993). Equivalence of computerized and paper-and-pencil cognitive ability tests: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 114, 449-458.

Book Chapters (top)

Ellis, B. B. & Mead, A. D., (2002). Item analysis: Theory and practice using classical and modern test theory. In S. G. Rogelberg (Ed), Handbook of research methods in industrial and organizational psychology Oxford: Blackwell

Mead, A. D. & Kelly, M. L. (1999). Why use personality in selection?. In M. L. Kelly (Ed.), 16PF Select Manual: The Select Solution. IPAT: Champaign, IL.

Mead, A. D. & Kelly, M. L. (1999). Job performance modeling for the 16PF Select. In M. L. Kelly (Ed.), 16PF Select Manual: The Select Solution. IPAT: Champaign, IL.

Cattell, H. E., Mead, A. D., & Cattell, R. B. (In press). The 16PF. In S. R. Briggs, J. M. Cheek, & E. M. Donahue (Eds.), Handbook of Adult Personality Inventories. New York: Plenum Publishers.

Drasgow, F., Olson, J. B., Keenan, P., Moberg, P., & Mead, A. (1993). Computerized Assessment. In G. R. Ferris and K. M. Rowland (Eds.), Research in personnel and human resources management, Vol. 11. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Conference and Meeting Presentations (top)

Mead, A. D., Evans, J. & Zhang, O. Y. (April, 2003). A report on cloning and calibrating items for the Uniform CPA Exam (Symposium presentation). National Council for Measurement in Education, Chicago, Illinois.

Mead, A. D. & Drasgow, F. (April, 2003). Examination of a resampling procedure for empirical keying (Symposium presentation). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, Florida.

Mead, A. D. & Blitz, D. L. (April, 2003). Comparability of paper and computerized noncognitive measures: A review and intergration (Symposium presentation). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, Florida.

Mead, A. D. (April, 2002). Creating alternate forms: An investigation into three methods of item cloning (Symposium presentation). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Toronto, Canada.

Mead, A. D. & Coussons-Read, M. E. (April, 2002). The equivalence of paper- and web-based versions of the 16PF Questionnaire (Symposium presentation). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Toronto, Canada. (presentation accepted, paper in preparation)

Mead, A. D. (April, 2001). How well does web-based testing work? Results from a survey of NetAssess [tm] users (Symposium presentation). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Downey, R.G. (Chair), Hartford, R. L., Mead, A.D., Overton, R. C., & Zickar, M. (April, 2000). Classical/IRT Test Methods: Which do I use and When? (Panel Discussion). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Mead, A. D., Ellis, B. B., & Bedwell, S. (April, 2000). How to Use the New Rules in Cross-Cultural Personality Scale Comparisons (Symposium presentation). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Mead, A. D., Russell, M., & Bedwell, S. (August, 1999). Personality Assessment for Law Enforcement Officers: CAQ & LEADR.(Invited presentation). Annual meeting of the police psychology division of APA, Boston, MA.

Schuerger, J. M., & Mead, A. D. (April, 1999). Fitting people to jobs: A comparison of three approaches. (Symposium presentation). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, GA.

Mead, A. D. (April, 1999). Providing meaningful feedback for omnibus personality measures. (Symposium presentation). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, GA.

Adcox, K., Taylor, W., & Mead, A. D. (April, 1999). Selecting safer state troopers by leveraging normal personality. (Symposium presentation). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, GA.

Baute, P., & Mead, A. D. (April, 1999). Alternative validation strategies for small-N settings. (Symposium presentation). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, GA.

Ellis, B., & Mead, A. D. (1998). Equivalence of the 16PF in Spanish and English. (Symposium presentation). International Congress of Applied Psychology, San Francisco, CA.

Mead, A. D., Lord, W., Sistedos, N., & Gillette, I. (1998). Equivalence of the Cattellian personality model in four western cultural contexts. (Symposium presentation). International Congress of Applied Psychology, San Francisco, CA.

Mead, A. D., Segall, D. O., Levine, M. V., & Williams, B. A. (April, 1997). Multidimensional assessment for multidimensional minds: Leveraging the computer to assess personality comprehensively, accurately, and briefly. (Symposium Presentation) Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, St. Louis, MO.

Mead, A. D. & Shull, C. K. (April, 1996). Item response theory parameter estimate invariance: The effect of an unrepresentative calibration sample. (Poster Presentation) Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Mead, A. D. & Drasgow, F. (April, 1994). An empirical scoring method. (Symposium) Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Nashville, TN.

Hulbert, L., Mead, A. D., & Komorita, S. S. (1993). Limited communication in a social dilemma. Paper presented at the Southern Conference on Philosophy, New Orleans, LA.

Drasgow, F., Keenan, P.A., Olson, J.O., Moberg, P.J., & Mead, A.D. (April, 1991). Multi-media computerized assessments of individuals. (Symposium) Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, St. Louis, MO.

Drasgow, F., Keenan, P. A., Olson, J. O., Moberg, P. J., & Mead, A. D. (June, 1991). Compas: A computerized assessment system. International Personnel Management Association Assessment Council meeting, Chicago, IL.

Carnevale, P.J., & Mead, A. (1990). Decision frames in the mediation of disputes. Presented at the Annual Meeting Judgment Decision Making Society, New Orleans, LA.

Lim, R. G., Williams, B., McCusker, C., Mead, A., Thomasson, G. L., Drasgow, F., & Levine, M. V. (May, 1989). A non-parametric polychotomous model and estimation procedure. Presented at the Office of Naval Research Conference on Model-Based Psychological Measurement, Norman, OK.

Technical Reports and Professional Papers (top)

Mead, A. D. (Unpublished manuscript). Equating Fourth and Fifth Editions of the 16PF Questionnaire. Champaign, IL: IPAT.

Mead, A. D. (2000). Correlates of the Fifth Edition Reasoning scale. Champaign, IL: IPAT.

Mead, A. D. (1999). Does the 16PF questionnaire measure the Big Five? Champaign, IL: IPAT.

Mead, A. D. (1998). Validation of a Spanish Fifth Edition Reasoning scale. Champaign, IL: IPAT.

Mead, A. D. (1997). Selecting items for the power subtests of GATB forms E and F. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI: HRStrategies.

Psychological measures (top)

Mead, A. D. (1999). LPI background characteristics LPI: Saint John, NB Canada.

Mead, A. D. (1999). Intentions to certify as a Linux system administrator. IPAT: Champaign, IL.

Mead, A. D. (1998). Personality-Related Survey. (Personality-related job analysis). IPAT: Champaign, IL.

I have contributed items to the following measures:

Schuerger, J. M. (1999). Adolescent 16PF. IPAT: Champaign, IL.

Cattell, R. B., Cattell, M. K., & Cattell, H. E. P. (1998). 16PF Questionnaire (American Spanish Edition). IPAT: Champaign, IL.

Popular press publications (top)

Mead, A. D. (1999). At least we can agree on supporting Linux! Linux Today,

Numerous articles on Wikipedia,

Reviewing Experience (top)

Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference

National Council on Measurement in Education

British Journal of Psychology

APSSC Small Grant Award competition

Numerous evaluations of assessments, research, and products at the Institute for Personality and Ability Testing

Teaching Interests (top)

A survey of psychological assessment via computer

Advanced item response theory and its application

Assessment for selection, certification, and training: Theory and practice

Basic and advanced quantitative analysis for behavioral scientists

Internet usage for behavioral scientists

Introduction to decision theory

Introduction to industrial and organizational psychology

Methods of job analysis

Negotiation and mediation

Personality theory and assessment

Personnel selection in theory and practice

Psychological measurement

Research methods for behavioral scientists

Structural equations modeling: Theory and practice

Test development, validation, and standardization

The legal environment of personnel decisions

Vocational assessment and career choice

Professional Society Memberships (top)

American Psychological Association

American Psychological Society

National Council on Measurement in Education

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Software Expertise (top)

Statistical: SPSS, SAS, BILOG, XCALIBRE, MULTILOG, NOHARM, LISREL, EQS, CALIS, ITEMAN, CART, GB-STAT, Miscellaneous in-house or obscure packages such as: DFIT, ForScore, MH, EQUATE, DIF, POLY

Development tools: Pascal, FORTRAN, BASIC, Perl, Delphi (limited), C (limited), RCS, CVS

Business: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Microsoft Project, Project Scheduler, WordPerfect, QuattroPro, Harvard Graphics, FoxPro, Lotus Notes

OS, user and admin: Linux, Windows 95/98, W2K (limited), Novell (limited), UNIX (user only), DOS

Networking: ssh/scp, telnet, ftp, HTML, Mozilla, Konqueror, Opera, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Eudora, Outlook

Linux administration: numerous Red Hat installs, Apache, Samba, MySQL, popper (with APOP), Portsentry, Tripwire, TCP wrapper, sendmail (limited), INN (limited)

Software Projects (top)

2002 Authored a Perl script to parse Promissor exam results and load them into an SQL database.

upload.cgi. Authored a Perl CGI that allows Promissor data to be uploaded, parsed, validated, and inserted into an SQL database.

report.cgi. Authored a Perl CGI that allows pretest participants to authenticate and view pretest score reports on-line.

demographic_report.cgi. Authored a Perl CGI that produces frequency distributions for demographic data. Reports are limited by time period and available in HTML and CSV formats.

school_performance.cgi. Authored a Perl CGI that produces table of school performance on pretest sections.

export.cgi. Authored a Perl CGI interface to AICPA's pretest exam database to export data for analysis. Features: select exams; select items individually; select items by content; include overall and demographic fields individually; select raw, scored, or latency item-level data; export in comma-separated-values (CSV) format or fixed-columns


export3.cgi. Authored a Perl CGI interface to LPI's SQL exam database to export data for analysis. Features: authenticates users; select exams; select items individually; select items by type (multiple response, single choice, fill in the blank); include overall and demographic fields individually; select raw or scored item-level data; export in comma-separated-values (CSV) format

Test scoring utility. Developed a tool to produce scores for the Business Reasoning Test (BRT) using Excel and VBA. Features: user authentication; administrator authentication; input value range verification; input numeric or alpha numeric responses; optionally double-key input with validation; computes raw score, normed score, scaled score, and SEM.

Adverse impact report. Automated the creation of a custom suite of three Excel adverse impact reports. Features: automatically imports Excel data; calculates passing rates by group, four-fifths ratios, 2 SD statistic, and a new statistic (number of people causing significant ratio); formats data on three reports. Used: SPSS, Excel, VBA.


NetAssess survey. Implemented a Perl CGI survey of NetAssess users. Features: Multiple pages and authentication against a user database. Also wrote simple scripts to send personalized emails to participants.

NetAssess improvements. Developed a number of general improvements, feature improvements, and new features to the NetAssess system myself and by supervising a developer.


JDQ Report. Authored a Pascal program to analyze job analysis data and produce an HTML report suitable for presentation to customers.

LPI Survey. Authored a survey designed to gather marketing information for the Linux Professional Institute to help them plan implementation of their Linux certification exam. Converted text document into HTML and Perl. Developed Perl CGI script. Administered web server.

Track. Extensively modified a GPL'd Perl script to support bug tracking during software testing.

NetAssess. Programmed an experimental, web-based test administration, scoring, and reporting system for IPAT. Designed the system, including an administrative interface. Acquired and configured a Linux server running Apache+mod_ssl. Wrote scripts in Pascal and Perl to administer assessments and interface with existing scoring/reporting programs. Used Samba to isolate trade secrets on Windows platform from Linux-based administration and email functions.

ASP report specification Wrote specification document for the Automobile Sales Profile (ASP). Final document was approximately 30 pages including an explanation of the purpose of the report, a scoring program, a report sample, and approximately 80 logic statements.


Horn. Wrote a simple Pascal program to compute a parallel analysis as described by Horn (1965) using the simulation results of Allen and Hubbard (1986). This program is available for download (15.6k).

HSPQ report specification. Wrote specification document for the High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) report. Final document was approximately 50 pages including an explanation of the purpose of the report, a description of the test data, two SPSS scoring programs, two report samples, and approximately 60 logic statements.


Adaptive MIRT simulation. Ported 2700-line unix FORTRAN simulation of multi-dimensional adaptive item administration to DOS Pascal (no unix, no FORTRAN compiler). Final line count was 3849 after replacements for IMSL calls were written, extensive logging and data reporting features added, and control features allowing programs to run in parallel on several computers implemented. Program was used to assess feasibility of administration of the 16PF questionnaire and was reported at SIOP.

Specifications. Wrote specification document for a Windows rewrite of IPAT's popular OnSite software. Program has approximately 90 features of which about 20% were new or substantially redesigned.

1989 - 1992

CAT. Maintained and revised a computer-adaptive test administration and scoring program designed to administer quantitative and verbal ability items in DOS Pascal. Wrote PCX graphic display code for VGA. Rewrote adaptive testing algorithm to migrate from strata-adaptive to "pure" adaptive item selection.

COMPAS. Programmed an experimental, video-disc based conflict management skills test for supervisors in DOS Pascal. Researched hardware compatibility. Wrote Pascal API to control M-Motion adapter board. Wrote program itself to administer video vignettes and record responses. Tested and debugged the system and software.

InBasket. Programmed an experimental computerized in-basket test of decision-making skills for supervisors in DOS Pascal. This would have been simple in Windows but back then you had to hand-craft the UI.

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